May 3


May 3 is the 123rd day of the year (124th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. 242 days remain until the end of the year.

Real-life events

1791 May 3rd is the Polish Constitution Day. On this day the 1st constitution in the Europe and 2nd in the world has been signed by King August of Poland.

Lore events

2075 Dr. Scott Childress and his team at RSI complete the quantum core engine, the first self-sustaining quantum drive, capable of achieving 1% light speed (2,997,925 m/s).[1]
2792 Imperator Linton Messer XI killed.


  1. CommLink - 2075: The Stars Get A Little Closer. Spectrum Dispatch - Comm-Link. Retrieved 2021-05-14
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