
City on Borea in the Magnus system
LocationMagnus system    On Borea
TypeLanding zone

Odyssa is an industrial city on Borea in Magnus System. It is formerly a shipbuilding city before the UEE's abandonment of Magnus, and it has been revitalized in recent years with the development of Drake Interplanetary. Vast tracts of empty warehouses and rusting construction yards have been modernized and returned to life building Cutlasses and Caterpillars. Gangs are a serious problem in the city, and squatters have claimed the rights to many former UEE facilities; the result is an interesting place to hunt for questionably legal ship repairs and upgrades.[1]

A famed statue, Lumière de L'espoir ("Light of Hope" in French), is located near Drake's headquarters.[2]


  1. Galactic Guide: Magnus. Spectrum Dispatch - Comm-Link
  2. Drake Caterpillar brochure, page 7. Transmission - Comm-Link. Retrieved 2024-02-28
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